RepRap Setup
Auf dieser Seite sind stichwortartig Infos zum Metalab Reprap Setup zusammengefasst..
This is work in progress. Add stuff!!
Tools zum erstellen von STL files
Tools zum printen von STL files
svn co
Skeinforge Configs fuer die Maschinen
Kali und Trillian (aka Giraffe):
Setup and run
Skeinforge liest ein STL file ein und erzeigt ein gcode file fuer die Zielmaschine.
- Kopieren/Auschecken des skeinforge profiles, z.Bsp. nach ~/.skeinforge/profiles/Kali/
- Starten von skeinforge mit "python ./" und auswaehlen des Profiles im "Profile" dialog
Running (example):
clifford@turing:~/Temp/python-beanshell-scripts$ ./ demo.stl File demo-07101807/demo.stl is being chain exported. The extrusion fill density ratio is 0.698 The commented file is saved as demo-07101807/demo_export_comment.gcode The lower left corner of the skeinview window is at -22.659, -22.652 The upper right corner of the skeinview window is at 22.659, 22.666 Statistics are being generated for the file demo-07101807/demo_export.gcode On the X axis, the extrusion starts at -23 mm and ends at 23 mm, for a width of 46 mm On the Y axis, the extrusion starts at -23 mm and ends at 23 mm, for a depth of 46 mm On the Z axis, the extrusion starts at 0 mm and ends at 44 mm, for a height of 43 mm The average feedrate is 27 mm/s, (1625 mm/min). The extruder speed is 255 The extruder was extruding 85% of the time. The extruder was toggled 2490 times. The extrusion width is 0.707 mm. The following procedures have been performed on the skein: ... The layer thickness is 0.372 mm. The text has 69513 lines and a size of 2409.0 KB. The total build time is 2562 s. The total distance extruded is 58899 mm. The total distance traveled is 69414 mm. The volume extruded is 14 cc. The exported file is saved as demo-07101807/demo_export.gcode It took 430 seconds to export the file. /home/clifford/Temp/python-beanshell-scripts/demo-07101807/demo_export.gcode