Looks very impressive. With Arduino 0011 you do not need to set a serial port (see here) Did you try a CDC bootloader in order to use the arduino serial API ?
Kann man das Board irgendwo bestellen ? --Toka 15:18, 22. Mär. 2009 (CET)
- There are no plans to supply kits for this. The idea is for people to etch and source components themselves, thus the single sided design.
- But it would be nice if you publish a list of items, which are necessary to build your little shiny piece :] A List as in how many piece of $electronic-object and how much each costs at $yourFavoriteElectronicShop. By the way: Is your Metaboard an own board with an usb-device or just a usb-to-*-connector? And can it be powered over usb or does it need another powersource? Because i want to connect/use it with the laborboard. Angora 07:34, 6. Jun. 2009 (CEST)
- With enough interest, maybe someone will pick up the idea and have some boards/kits produced in the future :) MariusKintel 04:01, 23. Mär. 2009 (CET)