After seing Vik's presentation about how to build a RepRap we've started our own implementation of a RepRap. Then Bre Pettis came by in November 2007 and decided to build a McWire-based RepRap for Roboexotica. In a week. Metalab inherited Bre's RepRap (yay!) and it's now used as a basis for our own RepRap.

Note: At the moment, what we're building is really a RepStrap.
- Parts ordered from the RepRap Research Foundation for XYZ axis and extruder boards.
- XYZ axis is working.
- We can now also control our CNC machine from the RepRap software using a modified Arduino firmware and a CNC Arduino shield.
- First version of the extruder is resurrected from Bre's old parts and successfully extrudes HDPE.
- Next step is to test a complete run from design to printed part. A lot of stuff will go wrong here, and the TODO list will depend on the outcome, but more work on the extruder is needed.
Materials in the Lab
- Two glasses CAPA/Polymorph -> went missing after the camp?
- A roll of HDPE
- All necessary boards, electronics and plastic parts for the RepRap and some spare parts