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Due to economic constraints, we're aiming to perform the renovation in multiple phases. After a long time of inactivity, Phase 1 was officially kicked off 25. January 2007.

It was agreed at the 2007-01-25_Jour_Fixe on a EUR 1000-1200 budget for phase one of the renovation.


  • Phase 1: Do what is necessary to provide a room where a working lab can be set up
  • Phase 2->: More specialized furniture, machine workshop, decoration & theming

Phase 1

  • Repair and paint walls and ceiling
  • Lay floor
  • Wire electricity and mount ceiling lamps

Phase 1 Solution & Budget

Walls & Ceiling

The plan is very basic: Fill holes and cracks, scrape off areas of weak paint, paint all walls and the ceiling white.


We already have most of the equiment and material necessary, so only minor supplements are needed.

  • Putz, Tiefengund and Spachtelmasse: FIXME
  • Misc. tools: FIXME


If anyone have experience or knowledge of floor coating, please get in touch with User:MariusKintel.

Cost estimate for an epoxy-based solution:

  • Epoxyharz: ca. 50kg @ EUR 9 -> EUR 450
  • Epoxyhärter: ca. 25kg @ EUR 13.6 -> EUR 340
  • Glasfasermatte 300 gr/sqm: 40sqm @ EUR 2.80 -> EUR 112
  • Misc. equiment: ca. EUR 50

Two color solutions (separately colored floor with see-through epoxy or single-colored epoxy):

  • Kunstharzlack: 42 sqm @ ca. EUR 3.5/sqm -> EUR 147
  • Colored epoxy: 5-10% color-to-epoxy @ 20-40 EUR/kg -> EUR 50-200

Sum: Between EUR 1000 and EUR 1150.


Ideally, we should subdivide the lab into at least 3 indepentant circuits. The main reason for this is that short circuits are more likely to happen in an electronics lab than anywhere else. In addition, the future machine room will draw a lot of power, so it should have a dedicated circuit.

We might be able to reuse some cable canals inside the walls. If not, we'll wire the circuits externally.

A generous amount of outlets has to be provided for the work places due to the amount of electronic apparatus being used.

Lighting should be neutral and bright.

Phase 1 Tasks

Detailed task breakdown for the above solution

Walls & Ceiling

Task Progress Comments
Repair holes & cracks with Putz and Spachtelmasse 100%
Scrape off loose paint & prepare surface with Tiefengrund 98%
Paint all walls and ceiling 80%
Final touch


Task Progress Comments
Make a decision on the floor coating 50% Epoxy solution appears to be doable. Anyone with opinions, please speak up.
Build the missing piece just after the doorstep 100%
Fill all cracks and edges 20% Using foam for the edges
Sand down the floor to make it even
Apply coating
Final touch

Electricity & Lighting

Task Progress Comments
Evaluate the state of the current wiring
Decide on techincal solution wrt. circuits, fuses, earth leakage breaker etc.
Decide on lighting solution
Aquire the necessary equipment (lamps, cables, channels, outlets, switches etc.)
Final touch

Plans & Ideas for Further Phases