Metalab Arduino Resources
The hardware hackers at the Metalab have embraced the Arduino platform and Atmel's AVR microcontrollers. This is an attempt to put some of our related collective knowledge in one place.
Things which should go here:
Our Arduino libraries
Every once in a while, we package a useful piece of firmware as an Arduino library. Since we believe in Free Software, these libraries are available directly from our SVN server;
- Metaboard, a low cost, DIY Arduino clone
tips & tricks/howtos/guides
- How to map source code between Arduino and pure avr-gcc
- ICSP programming
- Code snippets for useful tasks?
workshop resources (internal and external)
AVR resources
AVRProgrammers available in Metalab.
useful links
- The Arduino boards use Atmel ATmega controllers such as the ATmega328P (product page, brochure, datasheet).
- The current primary Arduino board is the Arduino Duemilanove (Italian for 2009). It can be purchased directly in the WhateverLab. schematic
- For applications with concerns for space, the Arduino Mini can prove useful. pinout, schematic
- To communicate with an Arduino Mini, you will need to establish an RS232 connection. The official Mini USB Adapter, based on FTDI's FT232RL USB-to-RS232 converter, greatly simplifies the process. pinout, schematic
- For applications with concerns for space, the Arduino Mini can prove useful. pinout, schematic