Security by Candlelight/CISSP/Legal and Compliance
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Security by Candlelight
Security sometimes seems like a hard and long journey But properly equipped it will be just like snapping with your fingers. I'm afraid we will not have a "Babylon Candle" to get us there but at least it will be much more fun to travel in a group and talk about the things and wonders we see along the road. A Meeting Place for Security Enthusiasts at the Metalab in Vienna
Location: The "library" at the Metalab in Vienna: Map Twitter: @MetaLabSbC |
Contributions and Discussions for the Domain Legal, Regulations, Investigations and Compliance
Please add your contributions like recommended reads, links or very short texts (max two or three lines) here. Longer texts shold be uploaded as PDF or any other neutral format and linked here with a short description. Please, always add a signature (--~~~~)! --MiKa 19:25, 28. Dez. 2012 (CET)