Ableton live 2009 9 26

Ableton Live Beginners Weekend Workshop
For Women by G.rizo
Saturday and Sunday, September 26 & 27, 2009
Metalab, Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Wien

Price: 100 Euros (for Weekend) - 2 free slots for female metalab members
Time: 13 - 20:00
Reservation: hezekinapollutina AT gmail DOT com
Instructor: G.rizo (Intl. DJ Gigolo Records)
This workshop is taught in English.

Full Information and updates available at G.rizo Myspace Blog:
Listen - Songs by recent Participants:
Hezekina Pollutina presents an Ableton Live Beginners Weekend Workshop For Women on Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27.
Instructed G.rizo, the workshop will take place at METALAB, Rauthausstrasse 6, in Vienna.
Due to limited space, people who are interested in reserving a spot are advised to RSVP via email to: [hezekinapollutina gmail com]
This 2-day weekend workshop is geared towards "absolute beginners," providing an overview of Ableton Live--the ultimate tool for "do- it-yourself" music production. Aimed at people who are interested in working with electronic sound for diverse purposes, this course will explore all the basic elements of using Ableton Live, from recording to production to live performance.
Instructed by Ihu Anyanwu, who makes her own noise as electro artist G.rizo (Int. DJ Gigolo Records), these ladies can expect to be banging out their own imaginative tracks by the end of the weekend!
Why is it only for Women?
Says G.rizo, "As a beginners course, its not so much about excluding guys, rather than it being about pulling up the ladies in a field dominated by men. By offering a relaxed and all female learning setting, I am hoping that more ladies feel encouraged to learn and gain confidence as producers."
Divided into 2 days (each 7 hours long), the workshop includes demonstrations, practice exercises, and original song production. Day 1 is a beginners tour of Ableton Live--participants learn about Ableton's interface, tools and unique terminology. Diving right in they explore the software by working on tracks using pre-existing loops and the built-in midi instruments.
Day 2 gets more into details about music production--including learning about audio effects, automation and mixing. There are also tips for sound design, production planning and file management.
Special Offer
Participants in this Workshop Weekend will receive a 14 day licensed version of Ableton Live 8, with full functionality so its possible to save files and export songs. Also participants will receive €50 off the purchase of Ableton Live software in the Webshop.
Requirements for Participation
- Laptop with mobile Internet connectivity e.g. via Airport and/or
other Wifi possibility (required)
- Ableton Live Software (Free 14 day license available at
- Headphones