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Come and join the Metalab open stage party!
You are an artist of any kind and willing to present your art in a 10 minute slot? - You are more than welcome to perform at the party!
You aren't an artist or just feel like attending instead of performing? - You're equally welcome!
If you like we're going to record the acts - No problem if you don't. -- | |
When/Where: May 30th, 21:00, Metalab, 1., Rathausstraße 6
You wanna help?
Check out and/or extend the lists at the Orga page.
Past MetaStage Parties
You wanna perform?
Please add yourself to the list below. If you can't because you don't have a wiki account please just drop me and email:
Name |
Amir, Guitar and Singing |
Kurt Bauer, Guitar and Singing |
Conny, Guitar and Singing |
Sonstwer, Music |
Astrid, Music |
Reginald Bärris, Comedy |
Trent Mc Pherson, Music |
Michaela Luce, Music |
Max Hofstätter, Poetry |
Brian Leonard, Music |
Andreas Bachleitner, Music |
Juliana Martini, Music |
Motz, Music |
Siren Call, Music |
Dara Lucie, Music |
Paul J. Seiringer, Comedy |
Metalab Open Stage Party | |
May 30th 2018, 9pm | |
Hauptraum | |
Amir, Juli | |
Party | |
0€ | |
planning | |
An open stage event at the Metalab! | |
Zuletzt aktualisiert: | 28.05.2018 |