ente is looking for someone to help him write plugins for the metalab wiki as well as cleaning the damn thing up. Let's organize a bi-weekly metalab infrastructure user group?
min is looking for someone to write cool Demos with. Did some webgl before, but needs to look into shader programming again. Doesn't matter if you don't have any experience, let's learn about it together!
acheloos is looking for some hackers to overclock many many things. From some full-blown Intel CPUs to even an Arduino. (And discuss some cooling methods, LN2/Dry Ice/Water/Air)
ripper is looking for someone who would help him with upgrading his Partkeepr setup from v0.1.9 to v1.0.0. Thanks to the tutorial it runs on the server (badly) but I don't really know what and how I did it (some years ago). It is some database stuff and php I guess?
amir looking for another person that survived 10+ 220V/230V electric shocks. ibisum bin dabei.
socialhack is looking for other knowledgable people to discuss 5G, network slicing, various forms of mobile and fixed line traffic management under the viewpoint of net neutrality
Hacker seeks knowledge
ente — always, all the things. Come talk to me. Particularly useful skills I don't have yet: electronics, using the Geil-o-mat.
LuGam seeks someone who can finally explain him the Qt Creator plugin system for custom ui widgets
min anything electronics related. If you want to make some Blinkenlights or other cool stuff for lab and need a hand, please ask me.
amir new tricks on how to make "quickly expanding chemicals" from everyday products.
Hacker seeks hardware
ente would be interested in an ExpressCard UMTS/HSDPA modem for his Thinkpad X200 Tablet (not sure which kind of card this actually is but if you have one I'd like to try it out)
acheloos would be interested in an ThinkPad Mini Dock Series 3. :)
Harald is looking for an Intel 80486DX2-66 CPU, that might be gaining dust somewhere.
ripper is looking for 3 piezo buzzers which can usually be found in PCs - amir: We got 4khz buzzers in the bauteilsortiment
ente seeks to exchange knowledge with other hackers. I know UNIX, C, a bit of lowlevel stuff, some maths and am generally interested in almost everything. I'm interested in organizing workshops about UNIX programming, regexps and fractals - please poke me in case you're also interested in one of those things happening at some point, I feel like I might need some pressure to actually get started.
LuGam offers basic knowledge about Qt Creator, as well as C and C++ and some Arduino Stuff. You can also ask things related to electronics, mechanic (strength calculations...) and usage of machinery (eg. milling and turning machine)
Hetti can teach you how to use the Witbox and Lazzzor. I'm sometimes corruptible with Club Mate for this stuff.
- how to operate the Geil-o-mat, but not really which programs produce useful G-code beside his proprietary CAD software. amir: Pycam is nice and produces EMC2 compatible gcode: http://pycam.sourceforge.net