JavaScript game development
aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
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Why would anyone do that? Because on two recent cool devices, JavaScript is the ONLY option for open, unrestricted application development. Because making games in JS is a hack and a challenge. And because we can.
[This page is in English because its subject is not limited to the Metalab]
- Wii!
- iPhone!
- Regular old boring computers
- DHTML/DOM animation
- Canvas (Opera: 2dgame context)
- Wii Remote API & Events Library
- Moz Tech: XUL, XBL etc... no real justification for those though.
- Upcoming canvas 3d context
What to do
- Start a wiki?
- Build a library? Input handling, collision detection, etc etc. Needs more research.
- Organize a competition like PyWeek
Projects & Ideas
- JS Spryjinx (c3o)
- Prototype exists
Interested parties
- iPhone Dev Camp Germany (date unannounced)
- Arkanoid tutorial (uses Prototype)
Notable games
Single player