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Archiv:Startup Show-and-Tell: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
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Lfittl (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Zeile 46: Zeile 46:
# [http://www.crowdfwd.com/ Crowdfwd] (Albert Griesmayr)
# [http://www.crowdfwd.com/ Crowdfwd] (Albert Griesmayr)
# [http://variogo.eu variogo.eu] - Plattform für nachhaltigere Mobilität (Monika Leutgeb)
# [http://variogo.eu variogo.eu] - Plattform für nachhaltigere Mobilität (Monika Leutgeb)
# [http://solidrails.com Solidrails] (Lukas Fittl)
# [http://efficientcloud.net] The Efficient Cloud] (Lukas Fittl)
# Work IO (Bruno Haid)
# Work IO (Bruno Haid)
# HoApp (Lukas Hoffmann)
# HoApp (Lukas Hoffmann)

Version vom 23. Februar 2011, 11:13 Uhr

A regular meeting of people actively working on web startups, usually held each second Monday of the month. Please refer to the Metalab calendar to be sure!

We also have an infrequently used mailing list.

Because we have international guests, the default language is English – but if you prefer German, feel free to opt for that.


  • Serves as an arbitrary internal deadline while you're at a stage where you don't have external deadlines yet: Show off your progress!
  • No passive listeners, confidentiality
  • Share what you learned (methodologies, technology, etc)
  • Help eachother out

Criteria for participation

  1. Product development
  2. Web related in some way (saas, b2b, mobile, etc)
  3. Continuous work, if not full-time
  4. Commercial intent


Each Startup:

  1. Your product in a single sentence
  2. Lessons learned since last meeting / success and failures, progress, status...
  3. Plans (Next month, next year)?
  4. Bring one issue that you need help with or want group discussion on (15 minutes)

Next Meeting

March 14th, 2011

Previous participants (optional list)

February 14th, 2011

  1. SchoolCamp (Stefan Ladstätter)
  2. Wooonga-Venture (Martin Aichholzer)
  3. Touchqode
  4. la purD (Andreas Fleckl)
  5. egoArchive (Gerald Bäck, Max Kossatz)
  6. Johannes movie recommendation startup + app ideas & marketing (secondary)
  7. ediwo (Gregor Horvath)
  8. Blossom.io & JS framework (Tosh & Nik)
  9. Crowdfwd (Albert Griesmayr)
  10. variogo.eu - Plattform für nachhaltigere Mobilität (Monika Leutgeb)
  11. [1] The Efficient Cloud] (Lukas Fittl)
  12. Work IO (Bruno Haid)
  13. HoApp (Lukas Hoffmann)
  14. Soup.me (Christopher Clay)

January 10th, 2011

  1. Soup (c3o)
  2. egoArchive Gerald Bäck & Max Kossatz
  3. Unnamed project by Tie-fighter
  4. SolidRails - Ruby on Rails hosting for Europe & non-technical folks (Lukas Fittl)
  5. cookd blossom - tosh
  6. EmbIDE (Patrick & Stefan)
  7. touchqode.com (Michal Kostic)
  8. SchoolCamp (Stefan Ladstätter)
  9. Work IO (Bruno Haid)
  10. Gnowsis (Leo Sauermann)

December 2010

  1. photostre.am TomK32
  2. SchoolCamp (Stefan Ladstätter)
  3. touchqode.com - source code editor and mobile IDE for Android and iPhone (Michal Kostic)
  4. challengelabs.com - openideas.at / other crowdsourcing services (Michael Schwanzer)
  5. dust2trust.org (Andreas Fleckl)
  6. Unnamed project by Tie-fighter
  7. Soup.io (c3o)
  8. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer)

November 2010

  1. touchqode.com - source code editor for mobile phones (Michal Kostic)
  2. variogo Mobility Plattform (Monika Leutgeb)
  3. Soup.io (c3o via Skype)
  4. blossom.io (project management) / cookd.com / deck.cc (tosh, nikgraf)
  5. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer via Skype)
  6. dust2trust.org (Andreas Fleckl)
  7. movie recommendations, barcode scanning (Johannes)
  8. schoolcamp (Stefan Ladstätter)

October 2010

  1. sonarflow - visual music discovery by Spectralmind (Tom Lidy)
  2. Split-Testing (Roland)
  3. touchqode.com - source code editor for mobile phones (Michal Kostic)
  4. Soup.io (c3o via Skype)
  5. schoolcamp (Stefan Ladstätter)
  6. Photostream (TomK32)
  7. Gnowsis (Leo Sauermann)

September 2010

  1. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer & Martin Schürrer)
  2. Split-Testing (Roland)
  3. Monika Leutgeb: State-of-the-art-Mitfahrbörse
  4. touchqode.com source code editor for mobile phones (Michal Kostic)
  5. schoolcamp (Stefan Ladstätter)
  6. You?

August 2010

  1. Soup.io (c3o)
  2. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer & Martin Schürrer)
  3. Michal Kostic
  4. deck.cc | cookd.com (nikgraf)

July 2010

  1. Soup.io (c3o)
  2. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer & Martin Schürrer)
  3. deck.cc | cookd.com (tosh & nikgraf)
  4. TomK32 diesmal wirklich, schickst du vielleicht reminders raus c3o?
  5. Split-Testing (Roland)
  6. Flo Ledermann strawberrypal.com Online Menstrual Calendar (update: sorry the weather was just too nice for going underground ;) - next time!)
  7. Monika Leutgeb: State-of-the-art-Mitfahrbörse
  8. platogo.com tools for social game developers (Jakob Sommerhuber)
  9. Flock Multiplayer Engine (Chris Hager)

June 2010

  1. Soup.io (c3o)
  2. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer & Martin Schürrer)
  3. Split-Testing (Roland)

May 2010

  1. Soup.io (c3o)
  2. letsannotate.com easy collaborative review (Ben Freundorfer & Martin Schürrer)
  3. photostre.am flickr third party webservice (TomK32)
  4. Split-Testing (Roland)
  5. cookd.com / deck.cc (tosh, nik)
  6. garmz @andreasklinger,..
  7. scaledinfra.com // michael2 (eventuell)
  8. soundz.fm // contact@soundz.fm
  9. kununu.com (Moe)