Benutzer:Oneup: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
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(kein Unterschied)
Aktuelle Version vom 4. Februar 2010, 23:18 Uhr
Florian Hufsky
Angehender Grafik Designer, irre* und überhaupt alles.
all [for a better world]
- Websites: &
- Blogs: &
- Email:
- Jabber:
- university
- puit (the game)
bzrrrrrrt system failureUrbanTakeoverClaimspotting (feat. stereotype, sushimako & consti)- DieAngewandte div. projects
- Cute Wars (feat. LEO, n3x) [for wtf see "we play"]
- Gamedev Weekends
- Graffiti Research Lab vienna & Helsinki
- Sleepcycle Hacking
- Piratenpartei Österreichs (Zivilgesellschaft - Yay)
- Laserguided Graffiti System
- LED Throwies
- soup (aka "i made you a startup but i was/lefted it")
- bbq (web2.0 project, now down)
- Super Mario War (props to Michael two52 for continuing it)
- Wikiography
- Buttons
- Landscapr
- Retro Gaming Lounge
- hear no evil - Radiostation datamining. discontinued halfway through
- much much much much much much moar
Leihgaben ans Metalab
Nintendo Wii + 2x Wiimote + 1x NunchukNintendo Wii Games: Zelda, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Red SteelPS2 (PStwo / small) + 2x controller + 1x memory cardPS2 Games: Alien Hominid, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Killer 7, Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari, Rez, Burnout 3, Devil May Cry 1, Devil May Cry 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Fantavision, Metal Slug 3Buch: Stencil Capital MelburneBuch: Banksy - Wall and PieceBuch: Obey - Supply and Demand - The art of Shepard FaireyBuch: Credit 00 - i love game graphicsManga: Blame! 1-2Ninendo DS (weiß)"verschwunden".Nintendo DS Games: New Super Mario Bros, Metroid, Dr. Kawashimas Brain Training, Project Rub"verschwunden".GP2X"verschwunden".
- ad irre: das stand da seit der zweiten Version, danke/ &ja.