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R...T: war bei der chronosurferparty da
(29 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 7 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
A very incomplete list of in one or the other way prominent people who gave a talk, lecture, attended a meeting at the Metalab or just dropped by...
A very incomplete list of in one or the other way prominent people who gave a talk, lecture, attended a meeting at the Metalab or just dropped by...
As sidenote: Some of these the people did good things of which we as a community are very proud.
Some of these did bad horrible things in the past or in the future, but it would be insinscere to
show history not truthfully.

(in alphabetical order)  
(in alphabetical order)  
Zeile 6: Zeile 10:

* [[wen:TV-B-Gone|Mitch Altman]], hacker and inventor
* [[wen:TV-B-Gone|Mitch Altman]], hacker and inventor
* [http://ioerror.livejournal.com/ Jake Appelbaum], photographer, world traveller, unix user
* [https://twitter.com/ioerror Jacob Appelbaum], photographer, world traveller, unix user
* [[wde:El_Awadalla|El Awadalla]], non-fiction author, dialect writer, ...
* [http://www.martinballuch.com/  Martin Balluch], animal rights activist
* [http://www.jeff-barr.com/ Jeff Barr], web services evangelist at ''amazon.com''
* [http://www.jeff-barr.com/ Jeff Barr], web services evangelist at ''amazon.com''
* [[wde:Markus_Beckedahl|Markus Beckedahl]], netpolitics activist
* [http://hysteria.sk/ Juraj Bednar], a geek from Bratislava
* [http://hysteria.sk/ Juraj Bednar], a geek from Bratislava
* [http://barcodeart.com/ Scott Blake], barcode artist
* [http://barcodeart.com/ Scott Blake], barcode artist
* [http://lamer.sk bon], Bratislava Connection
* [http://lamer.sk bon], Bratislava Connection
* [http://seanbonner.com/ Sean Bonner], hacking the media
* [http://seanbonner.com/ Sean Bonner], hacking the media
* [[wde:Adrian_Bowyer|Adrian Bowyer]], engineer, mathematician, creator of the RepRap Project
* [http://homehobel.phl.univie.ac.at/personal.phtml?name=Brandstetter Thomas Brandstetter], communication and media scientist
* [http://homehobel.phl.univie.ac.at/personal.phtml?name=Brandstetter Thomas Brandstetter], communication and media scientist
* [http://online.univie.ac.at/pers?pkey=27775 Wolfgang Breyha], ''ZID'' master of all mail servers, Vienna University
* [http://online.univie.ac.at/pers?pkey=27775 Wolfgang Breyha], ''ZID'' master of all mail servers, Vienna University
* [[Jason Brown / Paranoid Machines|Jason Brown]], ambient noisemaker, constellation manipulator, and paranoid historiographer
* [[Jason Brown / Paranoid Machines|Jason Brown]], ambient noisemaker, constellation manipulator, and paranoid historiographer
* [[wde:Thomas_Bugnyar|Thomas Bugnyar]], behavioural biology and cognitive science researcher
* [[wde:Thomas_Bugnyar|Thomas Bugnyar]], behavioural biology and cognitive science researcher
* [[wen:Duncan_Campbell_(journalist)|Duncan Campbell]], investigative journalist, author
* [http://debcha.com Debbie Chachra], Associate Professor of Materials Science
* [http://aigamedev.com/ Alex J. Champandard], senior AI programmer
* [http://aigamedev.com/ Alex J. Champandard], senior AI programmer
* [http://www.hcrs.at/WIR.HTM Harald Chmela], Grundlagenforschung und Entwicklung, Autor
* [http://www.hcrs.at/WIR.HTM Harald Chmela], Grundlagenforschung und Entwicklung, Autor
* [http://www.thomasclausen.org/ Thomas Clausen], mesh routing researcher
* [http://www.thomasclausen.org/ Thomas Clausen], mesh routing researcher
* [http://erinn.org/ Erinn Clark], [https://torproject.org/ Tor] developer
* [http://www.eddie.com/ Eddie Codel], videographer
* [http://www.eddie.com/ Eddie Codel], videographer
* [http://christinecorbettmoran.com/ Christine Corbett Moran], theoretical astrophysicst and contributor to [[wen:Open_Whisper_Systems|Open Whisper Systems]] crypto tools


* [http://www.aldis.at/ Gerhard Diendorfer], lightning researcher
* [http://www.aldis.at/ Gerhard Diendorfer], lightning researcher
* [https://www.ict.tuwien.ac.at/en/mitarbeiter/dietrich Dietmar Dietrich], professor of Computer Technology
* [http://www.webcrunchers.com/crunch/ John Draper] AKA Captain Crunch
* [http://www.webcrunchers.com/crunch/ John Draper] AKA Captain Crunch
* [http://www.cs.duke.edu/~edels/ Herbert Edelsbrunner], computational geometry and topology researcher
* [http://www.cs.duke.edu/~edels/ Herbert Edelsbrunner], computational geometry and topology researcher
Zeile 49: Zeile 62:
* [http://www.sandpsych.at/ Andreas von Heydwolff], consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist
* [http://www.sandpsych.at/ Andreas von Heydwolff], consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist
* [[User:Edmund|Edmund Humenberger]], background in promoting open source and entrepreneurship
* [[User:Edmund|Edmund Humenberger]], background in promoting open source and entrepreneurship
* [[wen:Birgitta_J%C3%B3nsd%C3%B3ttir|Birgitta Jónsdóttir]], parlamentarian from Iceland, press freedom activist

Zeile 54: Zeile 68:
* [http://modin.yuri.at/ Martin Kaltenbrunner], human computer interaction designer
* [http://modin.yuri.at/ Martin Kaltenbrunner], human computer interaction designer
* [http://www.doxpara.com/ Dan Kaminsky], security researcher
* [http://www.doxpara.com/ Dan Kaminsky], security researcher
* [http://lo-res.org/~aaron/ L. Aaron Kaplan], IT security professional and FunkFeuer activist
* [http://lo-res.org/~aaron/ L. Aaron Kaplan], IT security professional and FunkFeuer (co-) founder
* [http://whitepages.tuwien.ac.at/oid/622689.html Peter Kopacek], head of Institute of Handling Devices and Robotics, Vienna University of Technology
* [http://whitepages.tuwien.ac.at/oid/622689.html Peter Kopacek], head of Institute of Handling Devices and Robotics, Vienna University of Technology
* [http://www.juliankenning.com/ Julian Kenning], painter and game art designer
* [http://www.juliankenning.com/ Julian Kenning], painter and game art designer
Zeile 61: Zeile 75:
* [http://46halbe.org/ Constanze Kurz], computer scientist and ''CCC'' activist
* [http://46halbe.org/ Constanze Kurz], computer scientist and ''CCC'' activist
* [http://ninoleitner.com Nino Leitner], director and artist
* [http://ninoleitner.com Nino Leitner], director and artist
* [http://homepage.univie.ac.at/nicole.lieger/cv.htm Nicole Lieger], political scientist (in combination with jurisprudence and economics)
* [https://patternsinthevoid.net/ Isis Agora Lovecraft], hacker, physicist, cryptographer, anarchist and witch. Contributed to Tor, Open Whisper Systems.
* [http://www.majer.ch/johannes/ Johannes Majer], quantum physicist
* [http://www.majer.ch/johannes/ Johannes Majer], quantum physicist
* [[wde:Armin_Medosch|Armin Medosch]], author and media artist
* [[wde:Armin_Medosch|Armin Medosch]], author and media artist
* [http://www.univie.ac.at/identifizierung/php/?page_id=2442 Daniel Meßner], cultural scientist
* [[wde:Erich_Moechel|Erich Moechel]], journalist and privacy advocate
* [[wde:Erich_Moechel|Erich Moechel]], journalist and privacy advocate
* [[wde:Moot_%284chan%29#moot.27s_identity|moot]], founder of 4chan
* [[wen:Moot_%284chan%29#moot.27s_identity|moot]], founder of 4chan
* [[wen:Andy_Müller-Maguhn|Andy Mueller-Maguhn]], long-time ''CCC'' core member
* [[wen:Andy_Müller-Maguhn|Andy Mueller-Maguhn]], long-time ''CCC'' core member

Zeile 70: Zeile 87:

* Tobias Nöbauer, physicist and sociologist
* Tobias Nöbauer, physicist and sociologist
* [http://quinnnorton.com/ Quinn Norton], journalist (Wired, Guardian, O'Reilly), (body) hacker
* [http://www.oberhummer.at/ Heinz Oberhummer], astrophysicist and "science buster"
* [http://www.oberhummer.at/ Heinz Oberhummer], astrophysicist and "science buster"
* [http://johl.soup.io Jens Ohlig], hacker and former ''CCC'' spokesman
* [http://johl.soup.io Jens Ohlig], hacker and former ''CCC'' spokesman
Zeile 78: Zeile 96:
* [http://brepettis.com/ Bre Pettis], artist and podcaster who ''MAKE''s things
* [http://brepettis.com/ Bre Pettis], artist and podcaster who ''MAKE''s things
* [[wde:Peter Pilz|Peter Pilz]], politician, Austrian Green Party
* [[wde:Peter Pilz|Peter Pilz]], politician, Austrian Green Party
* [http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=equinox:equinox Christian Pointner], co-founder of realraum.at, FunkFeuer Graz,…
* [[wde:Tim_Pritlove|Tim Pritlove]], ''CCC'' event manager, media artist, discordian
* [[wde:Tim_Pritlove|Tim Pritlove]], ''CCC'' event manager, media artist, discordian
* [http://igw.tuwien.ac.at/zope/igw/menschen/purgathofer Peter Purgathofer], scientist at the ''Department for Design and Assessment of Technology'', Technical University Vienna
* [http://igw.tuwien.ac.at/zope/igw/menschen/purgathofer Peter Purgathofer], scientist at the ''Department for Design and Assessment of Technology'', Technical University Vienna
* [http://richard.pyrker.com/ Richard Pyrker],PR professional and journalist
* [http://richard.pyrker.com/ Richard Pyrker],PR professional and journalist
* [http://www.onb.ac.at/about/forschung.htm Veronika Prändl-Zika], digital preservation researcher at the Austrian National Library


* [http://online.univie.ac.at/pers.html?pkey=4451 Peter Rastl], Austrian Internet pioneer, head of Vienna University Computer Center
* [http://online.univie.ac.at/pers.html?pkey=4451 Peter Rastl], Austrian Internet pioneer, head of Vienna University Computer Center
* [https://felixreda.eu/de/ Felix Reda], former Member of the European Parliament (MEP)
* [http://dollywood.itp.tuwien.ac.at/~rotter/ Stefan Rotter], theoretical physicist
* [http://dollywood.itp.tuwien.ac.at/~rotter/ Stefan Rotter], theoretical physicist
* [http://laura-rudas.jungerote.at/ Laura Rudas], politician, Austrian Socialdemocratic Party
* [http://laura-rudas.jungerote.at/ Laura Rudas], politician, Austrian Socialdemocratic Party
* [[wde:Gerhard Ruiss|Gerhard Ruiss]], author, stakeholder, musician
* [[wen:Len Sassaman|Len Sassaman]], cypherpunk and privacy advocate
* [[wen:Len Sassaman|Len Sassaman]], cypherpunk and privacy advocate
* [http://bim.lbg.ac.at/en/ Christian Schmaus], human rights expert
* [http://bim.lbg.ac.at/en/ Christian Schmaus], human rights expert
* [[wen:Jimmy_Schulz|Jimmy Schulz]], member of the German parliament (MdB)
* [http://ascii.textfiles.com/ Jason Scott], digital historian and archivist
* [http://ascii.textfiles.com/ Jason Scott], digital historian and archivist
* [http://www.seewald.at/info.html Alexander K. Seewald], computer scientist
* [http://www.seewald.at/info.html Alexander K. Seewald], computer scientist
Zeile 94: Zeile 117:
* [http://felix.openflows.com Felix Stalder], author & lecturer for digital culture
* [http://felix.openflows.com Felix Stalder], author & lecturer for digital culture
* Starbug, hacker and ''CCC'' activist
* Starbug, hacker and ''CCC'' activist
* [[wen:Christopher_Soghoian|Christopher Soghoian]], privacy researcher and activist
* [http://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/en/about-us/the-ita-team/jaro-sterbik-lamina/about Jaro Sterbik-Lamina], information security and privacy researcher
* [http://bblfish.net/ Henry Story], semantic web software engineer, named the translation service ''Babelfish''
* [http://bblfish.net/ Henry Story], semantic web software engineer, named the translation service ''Babelfish''
* [http://www.wien.spoe.at/online/page.php?P=10047 Sybille Straubinger], politician, Austrian Socialdemocratic Party
* [http://www.wien.spoe.at/online/page.php?P=10047 Sybille Straubinger], politician, Austrian Socialdemocratic Party
Zeile 103: Zeile 128:

* [http://homepage.univie.ac.at/stefan.uttenthaler/ Stefan Uttenthaler], astrophysicist
* [http://hackervisions.org/ James Vasile], Executive Director of the [http://freedomboxfoundation.org/ FreedomBox Foundation]
* [http://hackervisions.org/ James Vasile], Executive Director of the [http://freedomboxfoundation.org/ FreedomBox Foundation]
* [[Benutzer:Vic|Vic]], chairman of the German ''CCC e.V.''
* [http://twitter.com/kellerabteil Hans Christian Voigt], sociologist and publisher
* [[Benutzer:Vic|Vic]], former chairman of the German ''CCC e.V.''
* [[Metaday 30|Kurt Weckel]], umraum art router architect
* [[Metaday 30|Kurt Weckel]], umraum art router architect
* [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/171/133 Stefan Wiltschnig], assistant to the vice-rector ''Infrastructure and Business Development'', university of economics
* [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/171/133 Stefan Wiltschnig], assistant to the vice-rector ''Infrastructure and Business Development'', university of economics
Zeile 117: Zeile 144:
* [[wde:Alexander Zach|Alexander Zach]], politician, Austrian Liberal Forum
* [[wde:Alexander Zach|Alexander Zach]], politician, Austrian Liberal Forum
* [[Metaday 40|Regine Zawodsky]], physicist
* [[Metaday 40|Regine Zawodsky]], physicist
* [http://twitter.com/jerezim Jérémie Zimmermann], co-founder and spokesperson for LaQuadrature du Net
* [http://www.oevsv.at/ Michael Zwingl], radio ham and President of the Austrian Amateur Radio Society
* [http://www.oevsv.at/ Michael Zwingl], radio ham and President of the Austrian Amateur Radio Society


Aktuelle Version vom 2. Februar 2022, 14:30 Uhr

A very incomplete list of in one or the other way prominent people who gave a talk, lecture, attended a meeting at the Metalab or just dropped by...

As sidenote: Some of these the people did good things of which we as a community are very proud. Some of these did bad horrible things in the past or in the future, but it would be insinscere to show history not truthfully.

(in alphabetical order)







