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Fotolab: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Tina (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Wunschliste: -negativdose, hab sie ja jetzt (wer ordnung haelt...)
the soup has been eaten
(126 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 23 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
= Fotolab =
|organizer=[[User:Emi|emi]], [[User:Maria|maria]]
|topic=Selber Fotos entwickeln, Experimente, Workshops und Exkursionen
|targetgroup=Leute die gerne Foto-Nerds austauschen möchten. Amateure und Profis sind gleichermaßen willkommen.
|meetings=[[Fotolab/Treffen|Fotolab Treffen]] (hauptsaechlich Sonntags, fast woechentlich)
No windows, tiles all around, a large sink, lots of storage space and a door that can be locked from the inside make the small room situated to the right of the entrance to [[WhateverLab]] the perfect place for our Fotolab/[[Chemielab]].

Im einzigen fensterlosen Raum gelegen, ist das Fotolab das Auge des [[Metalab]]s. Hier koennen Mitglieder ihre eigenen analogen Kleinbildnegative entwickeln und Vergroesserungen machen, hier werden aber auch Workshops zu allen nur erdenklichen Themen der Fotografie gehalten und metalab-Bildausstellungen konzipiert und vorbereitet.
If you are interested in developing your own film, in exchanging ideas with fellow photo nerds or just trying out stuff, join us at one of our irregularly regular [[Fotolab/Treffen|meetups]] [de] or subscribe to our [http://lists.metalab.at/mailman/listinfo/fotolab Fotolab mailing list]. Most of us are amateurs btw., so there's no reason to be shy, even - or ''especially'' - if you are a bloody beginner! :)

== Ausstattung ==
[[Datei:Durst.jpg|thumb|245px|right|Durst Enlarger]]
* Durst B30 S/W Vergroesserer mit Rodenstock ROGONAR S 2,8/50mm Objektiv (Wandfixierung oder Franks Bodenplatte)
* Chemie zum Entwickeln und Fixieren von Negativen und Abzuegen
* Experimentier-Fotopapier aus den 50ern, sehr weich aber noch unbelichtet (whoo)
* Schalen, Besteck und Zubehoer
* Negativdose fuer zwei KB-Filme

== Wunschliste ==
== Darkroom equipment ==
* neues Fotopapier in verschiedenen Groessen
* Kaiser VCP 3500 enlarger for 35mm film (with filters) [WIP/Not Available/Shelved]
* mehr Rot/Gelblicht (auch fuer aussen)
* Durst enlarger for 35mm and '''medium format''' film
* Orange/Violettfilter fuer den Vergroesserer
* Developing tanks: (list out of date and WIP, way more than two)
* Kornlupen
** 1x large (fitting either 2x 35mm or 1x 120 film)
* eine Lichtschleuse [http://www.deitenbachshop.de/index.html?labor_+_dunkelkammer_drehtuer___lichtschleuse.htm]?
** 1x small
* Trockenpresse fuer Baryt? (keine Prioritaet z.Zt.)
* Durst Cotherm chemical heater [Not in Use/Shelved]
* Hart-im-Nehmen-Tisch fuer Negativentwicklung
* Film reels: (list out of date and WIP, more reels than tanks)
* ein Karton voller Bastelscheren
** 3x adjustable (for 35mm & medium format film)
** 1x for 35mm film only
** 1x [http://www.calumetphoto.com/eng/product/jobo_duo_set_reel_2502/jb1055 Jobo Duo-Set Reel #2502] (does ''not'' fit standard-sized tanks!)
* graduated cylinders for measuring chemicals
* funnels
* developing trays
* Durst Codrum processing tank and Durst Comot roller base
* film clips
* darkroom lights
* print tongs
* storage bottles
* Polaroid timer
* a small box of plastic frames for 6x6 transparencies
* Kaiser slide cutter
* paper cutter
* focus finder (use by placing it in the light's center and look for grain)
* film squeegee
* thermometer
* clothes line where wet film & prints can be hung to dry

== Workshops ==
* for drying wet paper, one of the screen printing squeegees (Abziehrakeln) can be used
* Lochkameras selberbauen
* Fotovergroesserung fuer Anfaenger
* Vergroesserungen einfaerben und veraendern
* Reflektoren selberbauen
* Fotoausstellung 'ein Jahr metalab'

== Links ==
== Chemicals & photo paper, consumables ==
*[http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2006/01/city-as-avatar-of-itself.html Shift-Tilt Lens Photography]
[[Bild:fotolabor1.jpg|thumb|300px|right|"Fotolabor 1]]
*[http://www.lensbabies.de Shift-Tilt Linsen: Lensbaby]
[[Bild:fotolabor2.jpg|thumb|300px|right|"Fotolabor 2]]
*[http://recedinghairline.co.uk/tutorials/fakemodel/ Fake Shift-Tilt Photography]
[[Bild:fotolabor3.jpg|thumb|300px|right|"Fotolabor 3]]
*[http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/tech/scanner.html Aus Scanner wird Kamera]
[[Bild:fotolabor4.jpg|thumb|300px|right|"Fotolabor 4]]
*[http://www.photocritic.org/2005/macro-photography-on-a-budget/ Makros mit Pringlesdose]
*[http://www.darkroomsource.net/ Everything you ever wanted to know about darkrooms]
*[http://www.pinholeday.org/ Pinhole Day 30.4.]
*[http://users.rcn.com/stewoody/makecam.htm Haferflocken Lochkameras]
*[http://shutterbug.com/techniques/film_processing/0903sb_coffee/ Entwickler aus Haushaltsmaterialien]
*[http://www.mcmua.com/hazardouswaste/FAQ_Photo_Chem.htm Wie man mit Fotochemikalien umgeht]

== Interessenten ==
We have chemicals and paper in the lab, but look carefully for ownership [[labelz]].

[[Benutzer:Tina|tina]], [[Benutzer:Fain|fain]], [[Benutzer:Worm23|Worm23]], [[Benutzer:Fum|Fum]], [[Benutzer:Dan|Dan]]
== [[Fotolab/Development_Times|Development Times]] ==
If you have developed film at the Fotolab, please be so kind and take a minute to enter your development times etc. into our [[Fotolab/Development_Times|development times table]] for future reference!

== Cameras & accessories ==

-> [[Fotolab/Kameras|List of Fotolab Cameras that can be borrowed (work in progress)]]
* 3 Lomo cameras:
** [http://shop.lomography.com/cameras/colorsplash-1 Colorsplash]
** [http://shop.lomography.com/cameras/fisheye-no-2 Fisheye No. 2]
** [http://shop.lomography.com/cameras/multilens-cameras/actionsampler-flash Actionsampler Flash]
* 1 small, black camera (possibly pinhole?), origin unknown
* Lomo [http://shop.lomography.com/accessories/camera-accessories/colorsplash-flash-chakra-edition Colorsplash Flash Chakra Edition]
* [[Metz Mecablitz 20 BC-6]] flash <span style="color: #800000">-- currently borrowed by [[Benutzer:Mihi|Mihi]]</span>
* a bunch of pinhole cameras made out of black film canisters for [[5 Jahre Metalab]]
* Optics repair tool (Frounded from: Maria*, Christian*, Emi*, Georg*, Jakob*)
* *bezahlt
== Wishlist ==
* more/new photo paper in various sizes
* loupe
* press for working with baryta
* chemicals for colour film & photo development
* chemicals for print toning (-> selenium toning, sepia toning,.. bleach)
* chemicals and sunshine for [[Fotolab/Cyanotypie|Cyanotype]] [de]
* equipment for rotating agitation
== How-To's & Tutorials ==
* [[Fotolab/SW-Entwicklung How-To | SW-Entwicklung How-To]] [de]
* [[Fotolab/Infrared Photography | Infrared Photography]] [en] (in the making)
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2-ejbhtw6HU Video: How to use a film picker]
* [[Fotolab/Infrarot Fotografie mit Digitalkameras | Infrarot-Fotografie mit unmodifizierten Digitalkameras]] [de]
== Photography shops in Vienna ==
* 1160 Wien: [http://www.fotofachversand.at Fotofachversand] (online-only orders also possible)
* 1070 Wien: [http://www.knips.com Knips]
* 1070 Wien: [http://unitedcamera.at/ United Camera]
* 1070 Wien: [http://www.blende7.at/ Blende7]
* 1070 Wien: [http://shop.the-impossible-project.com/stores/spaces/vienna Impossible Project Space] (instant film products only)
* 1080 Wien: [http://www.fotomorgana.biz/photoboerse Photo Börse]
== [[Fotolab/Links|Links]] ==
Please refer to the [[Fotolab/Links|Links]] subpage.
== [[Fotolab/v2.0|Old News]] ==
Old [[Fotolab/v2.0|updates]].
== Users & prospective future users ==
[[Benutzer:Tina|tina]], [[Benutzer:Fain|fain]], [[Benutzer:Worm23|Worm23]], [[Benutzer:Fum|Fum]], [[Benutzer:Dan|Dan]], [[Benutzer:Mihi|Mihi]], [[Benutzer:Alex|Alex]], [[Benutzer:kay|kay]], [[Benutzer:TomK32|TomK32]], [[Benutzer:Gnulux|Gnulux]], [[Benutzer:jessy|jessy]], [[Benutzer:emi|emi]], [[Benutzer:maria|maria]], [[Benutzer:bekassine|bekassine]], [[Benutzer:Anton*|anton]],
[[Benutzer:Georg|Georg]], [[Benutzer:Christian|Christian]], [[Benutzer:Aiouh|aiouh]]


Aktuelle Version vom 21. Juli 2020, 13:08 Uhr

Status: active
Thema: Selber Fotos entwickeln, Experimente, Workshops und Exkursionen
Organisator: emi, maria
Email: http://lists.metalab.at/mailman/listinfo/fotolab/
Treffen: Fotolab Treffen (hauptsaechlich Sonntags, fast woechentlich)
Zielgruppe: Leute die gerne Foto-Nerds austauschen möchten. Amateure und Profis sind gleichermaßen willkommen.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2020-07-21

No windows, tiles all around, a large sink, lots of storage space and a door that can be locked from the inside make the small room situated to the right of the entrance to WhateverLab the perfect place for our Fotolab/Chemielab.

If you are interested in developing your own film, in exchanging ideas with fellow photo nerds or just trying out stuff, join us at one of our irregularly regular meetups [de] or subscribe to our Fotolab mailing list. Most of us are amateurs btw., so there's no reason to be shy, even - or especially - if you are a bloody beginner! :)

Durst Enlarger

Darkroom equipment

  • Kaiser VCP 3500 enlarger for 35mm film (with filters) [WIP/Not Available/Shelved]
  • Durst enlarger for 35mm and medium format film
  • Developing tanks: (list out of date and WIP, way more than two)
    • 1x large (fitting either 2x 35mm or 1x 120 film)
    • 1x small
  • Durst Cotherm chemical heater [Not in Use/Shelved]
  • Film reels: (list out of date and WIP, more reels than tanks)
    • 3x adjustable (for 35mm & medium format film)
    • 1x for 35mm film only
    • 1x Jobo Duo-Set Reel #2502 (does not fit standard-sized tanks!)
  • graduated cylinders for measuring chemicals
  • funnels
  • developing trays
  • Durst Codrum processing tank and Durst Comot roller base
  • film clips
  • darkroom lights
  • print tongs
  • storage bottles
  • Polaroid timer
  • a small box of plastic frames for 6x6 transparencies
  • Kaiser slide cutter
  • paper cutter
  • focus finder (use by placing it in the light's center and look for grain)
  • film squeegee
  • thermometer
  • clothes line where wet film & prints can be hung to dry
  • for drying wet paper, one of the screen printing squeegees (Abziehrakeln) can be used

Chemicals & photo paper, consumables

"Fotolabor 1
"Fotolabor 2
"Fotolabor 3
"Fotolabor 4

We have chemicals and paper in the lab, but look carefully for ownership labelz.

Development Times

If you have developed film at the Fotolab, please be so kind and take a minute to enter your development times etc. into our development times table for future reference!

Cameras & accessories

-> List of Fotolab Cameras that can be borrowed (work in progress)

  • a bunch of pinhole cameras made out of black film canisters for 5 Jahre Metalab
  • Optics repair tool (Frounded from: Maria*, Christian*, Emi*, Georg*, Jakob*)
  • *bezahlt


  • more/new photo paper in various sizes
  • loupe
  • press for working with baryta
  • chemicals for colour film & photo development
  • chemicals for print toning (-> selenium toning, sepia toning,.. bleach)
  • chemicals and sunshine for Cyanotype [de]
  • equipment for rotating agitation

How-To's & Tutorials

Photography shops in Vienna


Please refer to the Links subpage.

Old News

Old updates.

Users & prospective future users

tina, fain, Worm23, Fum, Dan, Mihi, Alex, kay, TomK32, Gnulux, jessy, emi, maria, bekassine, anton, Georg, Christian, aiouh