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Metacuisine: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Ktsouk (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Ktsouk (Diskussion | Beiträge)
(47 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 7 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:

==Sacré Bleu?==
'''Sacré Bleu?'''
A cooking workshop where people exchange experiences, ideas, recipies.
A cooking workshop where anyone (no need to be a member) can exchange experiences, ideas, recipes and spice. Fear not we mean business here!

==When and where==
'''Some rules:'''
Second Metacuisine workshop will be on Sunday 23 February 2014 16:30h at the metalab kitchen (eating would take place in a more exotic place)

      The workshop is also about documenting the recipes and bringing
      participants closer to healthy, happy and quick plus effective cooking.

- Menu:
      The event needs to be prepared enough so the food and ingredients
First dish: Kichererbsensuppe (also served not as soup if you prefer it)
      with small lifespan (<5 days) that may remain should be removed
      from the kitchen.

Main dish: Curry rise & veggies! (spicy but Vegan!)
      The big picture is to have a team of people that can curate the events
      bi-weekly or weekly without pressure nor anxiety ;) Please get in touch
      with [[User:Ktsouk|ktsouk]] in order to lead one event.

Sweet: Orange cake (well you'll just have to taste it)

==Metacuisine #3==

- Total cost: 3euros (we'll buy from SPAR for metalab's sake!)
===When and where===
Third Metacuisine workshop will take place on Sunday 4 May 2014 16:30h at the metalab kitchen (eating would take place in a more exotic place called «Hauptraum» at ~19:30)

For metalab members: please inform us of your participation until Saturday 22 February 2014 - 10:00, by writing your username below (yeah - it's a marketing trick):
Florian cooks Pork Roast and [[User:Ktsouk|ktsouk]] plays with some cookware to create a greek salad for the vegeterians/vegans (no white cheese).

Schweinsbraten mit Semmelknödel und Sauerkraut plus Griechisch salat

The first is brave or ...
Price: 4~5 Euro for all

The second creates a trend...
'''1.Schweinsbraten mit Semmelknödel und Sauerkraut'''


1kg Semmelwürfel (2x500g)
1/2kg Zwiebel feinst geschnitten
8 Eier
1l Milch (laktosefrei bitte)
250g Butter
2 Bund Petersilie
Muskatnuss (etwas nach Bedarf)
Salz (etwas nach Bedarf)
glattes Mehl (ca 100-200g je nach Saugkraft der Semmelwürfel bzw. große der Eier)

Sauerkraut: (ca 100-150g pro Portion)

ca 200g pro Portion = 2kg Schopf (KEIN Karree!) MIT Schwarte! Das kaufe am Besten ich - beim Fleischhauer und nicht im Supermarkt!
1/2 kg Kartoffel (Zaungäste im Backrohr)
1/2 kg Zwiebel (Zaungäste im Backrohr)
2 Knollen Knoblauch
250g Butter
Thymian oder Kümmel
'''2. Griechisch salat'''
* [[User:anlumo|anlumo]]
* [you?]
==Metacuisine #2==
===When and where===
Second Metacuisine workshop will take place on Sunday 23 February 2014 16:30h at the metalab kitchen (eating would take place in a more exotic place)
[[User:Juli|Juli]] cooks vegan and [[User:Ktsouk|ktsouk]] plays with cookware.
''First dish:'' Kichererbsensuppe (also served not as soup if you prefer it)
''Main dish:'' Curry rice & veggies! (spicy but Vegan!)
''Dessert:''  Orange cake (well you'll just have to taste it)
Total cost: 3euros (we'll buy from SPAR for metalab's sake!)
'''1. Chickpeas soup (Kichererbsensuppe)'''
- Put the chickpeas inside cold water 12 hours before cooking time (mind that the bulk of chickpeas will grow:)
- Rinse the chickpeas with fresh water.
- Boil enough water to put all the chickpeas inside and put the chickpeas inside while lower the temperature to boil slower.
- Take out all the white foam that forms on the surface of the water (repeatedly) for 7 minutes.
- You should have been preparing some more boiling water with the salt in it.
- Take out the chickpeas and put them in the salty bowling water for 27 minutes.
- Put inside the olive oil and half the lemon(s) juice.
- When close to the end of boiling you can put some flour to make the soup more dense.
- Stop bowling and let cool for 10 minutes.
- Then put in oregano and the rest of lemon juice.
- Wait 5 minutes and serve the soup (it should be still hot!)
'''2. Orange cake (Orangenkuchen) vegan'''
''Du brauchst/You'll need:''
- 200g Kokosflocken
- 2 kg Orangen (auch Blutorangen möglich)
- 500g Mehl (am besten halb-halb Volkorn-glatt)
- 250g Zucker (Weißer oder Rohrzucker)
- 1 Packerl Vanillezucker (alternativ natürlich eine echte Vanilleschote)
- 1 Packerl Backpulver
- etwas Sojamilch
- 4 Esslöffel Speiseöl (Geschacksträger & so)
- eine Prise Salz
- ein Glas Orangenmarmelade
Please inform us of your participation until Saturday 22 February 2014 - 10:00, by writing your username below (yeah - it's a marketing trick):
* [[User:anlumo|anlumo]]
* [[User:Burnoutberni|nini]]
* Andreas Bily
* queltos
* [[User:amir|amir]]
* [[User:?|?]]
==Metacuisine #1 ==
===When and where===
First Metacuisine workshop will be on Wednesday December 4th 2013 14:00h at the metalab kitchen.
First Metacuisine workshop will be on Wednesday December 4th 2013 14:00h at the metalab kitchen.

Meta-Caesar's-salad, Meta-poppy-strudel, Meta-brownies
Meta-Caesar's-salad, Meta-poppy-strudel, Meta-brownies

Zeile 53: Zeile 172:
       total        €5.-  per person
       total        €5.-  per person

'''1. MetaBrownie'''

200g hard flour,
200g hard flour,
Zeile 69: Zeile 186:

'''2. MetaCeasar's'''

150g basmati rice (or 150g turkey fillet),
150g basmati rice (or 150g turkey fillet),
Zeile 76: Zeile 193:
1 garlic glove
1 garlic glove


3 garlic gloves,
3 garlic gloves,
Zeile 84: Zeile 201:
pepper, salt
pepper, salt



Aktuelle Version vom 3. Mai 2014, 16:41 Uhr

Gestartet: 01.12.2013
Involvierte: Uberhaxlor, Ktsouk, Juli, uvm.
Status: active
Beschreibung: An extraordinary Cooking-Workshop with a french accent
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2014-05-03


Sacré Bleu? A cooking workshop where anyone (no need to be a member) can exchange experiences, ideas, recipes and spice. Fear not we mean business here!

Some rules:

     The workshop is also about documenting the recipes and bringing
     participants closer to healthy, happy and quick plus effective cooking.
     The event needs to be prepared enough so the food and ingredients
     with small lifespan (<5 days) that may remain should be removed
     from the kitchen.
     The big picture is to have a team of people that can curate the events
     bi-weekly or weekly without pressure nor anxiety ;) Please get in touch
     with ktsouk in order to lead one event.

Metacuisine #3


When and where

Third Metacuisine workshop will take place on Sunday 4 May 2014 16:30h at the metalab kitchen (eating would take place in a more exotic place called «Hauptraum» at ~19:30)

Florian cooks Pork Roast and ktsouk plays with some cookware to create a greek salad for the vegeterians/vegans (no white cheese).


Schweinsbraten mit Semmelknödel und Sauerkraut plus Griechisch salat

Price: 4~5 Euro for all


1.Schweinsbraten mit Semmelknödel und Sauerkraut


1kg Semmelwürfel (2x500g) 1/2kg Zwiebel feinst geschnitten 8 Eier 1l Milch (laktosefrei bitte) 250g Butter 2 Bund Petersilie Muskatnuss (etwas nach Bedarf) Salz (etwas nach Bedarf) glattes Mehl (ca 100-200g je nach Saugkraft der Semmelwürfel bzw. große der Eier)

Sauerkraut: (ca 100-150g pro Portion)


ca 200g pro Portion = 2kg Schopf (KEIN Karree!) MIT Schwarte! Das kaufe am Besten ich - beim Fleischhauer und nicht im Supermarkt! 1/2 kg Kartoffel (Zaungäste im Backrohr) 1/2 kg Zwiebel (Zaungäste im Backrohr) 2 Knollen Knoblauch 250g Butter Salz Pfeffer Thymian oder Kümmel Paprika Rapsöl

2. Griechisch salat


Metacuisine #2

When and where

Second Metacuisine workshop will take place on Sunday 23 February 2014 16:30h at the metalab kitchen (eating would take place in a more exotic place)

Juli cooks vegan and ktsouk plays with cookware.


First dish: Kichererbsensuppe (also served not as soup if you prefer it)

Main dish: Curry rice & veggies! (spicy but Vegan!)

Dessert: Orange cake (well you'll just have to taste it)

Total cost: 3euros (we'll buy from SPAR for metalab's sake!)


1. Chickpeas soup (Kichererbsensuppe)


- Put the chickpeas inside cold water 12 hours before cooking time (mind that the bulk of chickpeas will grow:)

- Rinse the chickpeas with fresh water.

- Boil enough water to put all the chickpeas inside and put the chickpeas inside while lower the temperature to boil slower.

- Take out all the white foam that forms on the surface of the water (repeatedly) for 7 minutes.

- You should have been preparing some more boiling water with the salt in it.

- Take out the chickpeas and put them in the salty bowling water for 27 minutes.

- Put inside the olive oil and half the lemon(s) juice.

- When close to the end of boiling you can put some flour to make the soup more dense.

- Stop bowling and let cool for 10 minutes.

- Then put in oregano and the rest of lemon juice.

- Wait 5 minutes and serve the soup (it should be still hot!)

2. Orange cake (Orangenkuchen) vegan

Du brauchst/You'll need:

- 200g Kokosflocken

- 2 kg Orangen (auch Blutorangen möglich)

- 500g Mehl (am besten halb-halb Volkorn-glatt)

- 250g Zucker (Weißer oder Rohrzucker)

- 1 Packerl Vanillezucker (alternativ natürlich eine echte Vanilleschote)

- 1 Packerl Backpulver

- etwas Sojamilch

- 4 Esslöffel Speiseöl (Geschacksträger & so)

- eine Prise Salz

- ein Glas Orangenmarmelade


Please inform us of your participation until Saturday 22 February 2014 - 10:00, by writing your username below (yeah - it's a marketing trick):

Metacuisine #1

When and where

First Metacuisine workshop will be on Wednesday December 4th 2013 14:00h at the metalab kitchen.


Meta-Caesar's-salad, Meta-poppy-strudel, Meta-brownies


     Meta-Caesar's-salad   €2.50 p.p.
     Meta-brownies         €1.50 p.p.
     Meta-poppy-strudel    €1.00 p.p. 
     total         €5.-  per person


1. MetaBrownie

200g hard flour, 250g dark (backing) chocolate, 100g trimmed hazelnut, 200g milk chocolate, 150g brown sugar, 40g cocoa powder, 50g corn oil, 80g butter, 2 eggs

2. MetaCeasar's

150g basmati rice (or 150g turkey fillet), 600g lettuce, 3 slices of toast bread, 1 garlic glove


3 garlic gloves, 2 table-spoons of mustard, 1/2 lemon juice, 150ml olive oil, pepper, salt






Someone else