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2013-04-16 Show and Tell: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Guckes (Diskussion | Beiträge)
K deleted my photo
Guckes (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Ideen: added byobu
Zeile 41: Zeile 41:

= Ideen =
= Ideen =
please add more programs/tools/utilities,
possibly with links and description. thanks! :-)
(and, yes, the event will most probably be in german ;-)

this and that:
this and that:
Zeile 72: Zeile 76:

terminal window managers:
terminal window managers:
* [http://byobu.co screen+tmux with configs]
* [http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/ screen]
* [http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/ screen]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/tmux/ tmux]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/tmux/ tmux]
Zeile 79: Zeile 84:
* [http://www.urlwatch.org/ urlwatch] - detecting changes on webpages
* [http://www.urlwatch.org/ urlwatch] - detecting changes on webpages
* urlscan - a replacement for urlview
* urlscan - a replacement for urlview
please add more programs/tools/utilities,
possibly with links and description. thanks! :-)
Alles auch mit nativem IPv6.

= Who+What =
= Who+What =

Version vom 29. März 2013, 15:57 Uhr

Titel: Show & Tell
Untertitel: Useful Tools and Services
Art: Vorführungen und Diskussion
Beschreibung Vorführungen von nützlichen Tools/Werkzeugen und Services/Webseiten.
Sprache in Deutsch. but English is definitely possible. just ask!
Zeit Di, 16.4.2013, 16:00-21:00
Ort: Bibliothek im Metalab
Zielgruppe: Alle :-)
Vorkenntnisse: .. sind immer nützlich, aber werden nicht verlangt.
Folien: gibt's nicht ;-) just show us your tool/site!
Materialien: eigener Laptop zum Ausprobieren und Mitmachen, Kekse+Getränke.
IRC Log: 2013-04-16_Show-N-Tell.Log (TODO)
Photos: anyone?


please add more programs/tools/utilities, possibly with links and description. thanks! :-) (and, yes, the event will most probably be in german ;-)

this and that:

  • ack - "better than grep"!
  • git - repository tool
  • vim (text editor) - plugins, new options in v7.3
  • ccal.py - a CLI calendar
  • arecord/aplay (Linux)
  • cwrapper - color wrapper to colorize the output of other tools
  • glances - htop auf komisch
  • MTR - traceroute für hipster

data exchange and synchronization:

  • mosh
  • rsync (via ssh transport)
  • ssh
  • putty and kitty
  • SparkleShare - Self hosted, instant, secure file sync
  • duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm
  • web tools: urlstack (homegrown read it later thingie), input / file upload (send to home)

qr codes and vcards:

  • vCard Maker - Free electronic business card generator
  • QRU.io - scan QRcode, get vcard


terminal window managers:

URLs - selection, updates:

  • urlview - display+choose from list of URLs
  • urlwatch - detecting changes on webpages
  • urlscan - a replacement for urlview


who can/will show which tools?

name - list of tools

  • SvenG - ccal, mosh, putty, screen, urlview, vim; ack, cwrapper, tmux; qru.io, vcard maker