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Metasense/OldDocumentation: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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MariusKintel (Diskussion | Beiträge)
MariusKintel (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:

An experimental smoke detector is installed in the Lounge. A more permanent installation will be made if it works satisfactory, and the CAT cabling is finalized.
An experimental smoke detector is installed in the Lounge. A more permanent installation will be made if it works satisfactory, and the CAT cabling is finalized.
The sensor is attached to the 1-wire bus.
NB! The main room temperature sensor is temporarily moved to the lounge.

== 1Wire Sensor Network ==
== 1Wire Sensor Network ==

Version vom 12. März 2007, 00:09 Uhr

Auf dieser seite sollen sich technische infos zu den einzelnen sensoren ansammeln

Experimentelle "Sensoren"


Standardabweichung der Temperaturwerte der letzten 30 minuten. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Temperaturwerte immer wenn die Fenster offen sind recht stark schwanken, wohin sie recht konstant bleiben, wenn die fenster verschlossen sind. Dieser Graph zeigt, dass man das auch quantitativ darstellen kann. verbesserungsvorschlaege erwuenscht :)

Smoke Detector

An experimental smoke detector is installed in the Lounge. A more permanent installation will be made if it works satisfactory, and the CAT cabling is finalized. The sensor is attached to the 1-wire bus. NB! The main room temperature sensor is temporarily moved to the lounge.

1Wire Sensor Network

One wire sensor netzwerk im Lab ist von user:metaz eingerichtet worden. danke! bis jetzt gibt es aber nur einen sensor am bus (es koennten bis zu 2^64 werden :).

wir verwenden OWFS - One Wire File System (GNU Lizenz natuerlich)

owfs is a method under linux to allow 1-wire devices to appear like files in a directory. You can then enter a command like "cat */temperature" to have all the temperatures sensors measure and print their data. For instance, the collection of temperature sensors above are all on one bus, individually addressable, and will reconfigure on the fly as items are added or removed. Each device is it's own directory with it's own properties.



  • DS9490 - USB to 1-Wire/iButton Adapter
    • Befindet sich bereits im Lab -> connected to owfs
  • DS18S20 - 1-Wire Parasite-Power Digital Thermometer
    • Attached to MetaSense
  • DS2450 - 1-Wire Quad A/D Converter
    • Used for smoke detector
  • DS18B20 - High-Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
  • DS1820 - Digital Thermometer Replacements
  • DS2405 - Addressable Switch
  • DS2406 - Dual Addressable Switch Plus 1kb Memory
  • DS2890 - 1-Wire Digital Potentiometer

1Wire pinbelegung

  • 1 Vdd gray
  • 2 GND yellow
  • 3 OW white
  • 4 GND_OW brown
  • 5 SUSO pink
  • 6 NC green


  • space.in.metalab.at
  • sudo /etc/init.d/metasense restart
  • user: project-wizard23-metasense