- # [[User:Shining|Shining]] …1 KB (198 Wörter) - 18:41, 26. Jun. 2006
- …s mounted on the ceiling, with Shiftbrite modules mounted on each side and shining inwards …1 KB (157 Wörter) - 12:07, 1. Okt. 2019
- :[[Benutzer:Shining|Steffi]] …1 KB (198 Wörter) - 00:44, 27. Jan. 2013
- We need a lot of light so outdoor shooting when the sun is shining should be good. Maybe we must have longer exposures so a tripod should be… …2 KB (374 Wörter) - 21:20, 12. Mär. 2012
- # [[Benutzer:Shining|Steffi]] …2 KB (314 Wörter) - 17:49, 4. Mär. 2007
- …mounted to the ceiling, with 12mm WS2801 Pixels mounted on each side and shining inwards …4 KB (561 Wörter) - 19:28, 19. Sep. 2018
- …[[user:legba7]], [[user:mrzack]], [[user:ody]], [[user:overflo]], [[user:shining]], [[user:wizard23]], [[user:Roodi]], user:fälltmirgradnichtein …3 KB (468 Wörter) - 14:43, 7. Jun. 2010
- …- 23:00 || align="center" | Barkeeper/Kassa || align="center" | [[Benutzer:shining|steffi]]/[[Benutzer:Philip|philip]]/[[Benutzer:sushimako|flo l.]] …5 KB (628 Wörter) - 05:25, 13. Feb. 2013