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Archiv:Security bei Kerzenschein/CISSP

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CISSP Portal

Can I get there by Candlelight?
How many miles to Babylon?
Three score and ten.
Can I get there by candlelight?
Aye, and back again.
If your feet are nimble and light
You'll get there by candlelight.
-- Nursery Rhyme

Security bei Kerzenschein/CISSP
Status: active
Thema: All things pertinent to physical and IT-Security
Gestartet: 19.03.2007
Organisator: Lynx, MiKa
Homepage: Security_bei_Kerzenschein
IRC/Matrix: #metalab at irc.freenode.net
Treffen: biweekly
Zielgruppe: People interested in improving the security of all kinds.
Inhalt: Yes, by candlelight. Really!
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2016-10-19

Starting in January 2013 Security by Candlelight focuses on the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)® Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)®.

The CISSP certification is a well respected, vendor neutral certification from the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium or (ISC)²

The CISSP covers 10 domains (or in other words fields of knowledge):
  • Access Control
  • Telecommunications and Network Security
  • Information Security Governance and Risk Management
  • Software Development Security
  • Cryptography
  • Security Architecture and Design
  • Operations Security
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Legal, Regulations, Investigations and Compliance
  • Physical (Environmental) Security

Location: The "Library" at the Metalab in Vienna: Map

Hosted by: Michael "MiKa" Kafka and René "Lynx" Pfeiffer

Twitter: @MetaLabSbC

SbC Mailing List Subscribe here

What to expect

With the CISSP CBK Review we want to establish a study-group or a workshop to learn the details of information systems security and security management togehter in a group. The focus is not on technical details like SQL-injections, Cross-Site-Scripting or buffer overflows etc... instead we focus on high-level topics which are theoretical, abstract and annoyingly formal.

This will not be a classical training with an instructor who teaches you everything necessary. You will need to devote a lot of time for self-study, reading and learning inbetween the meetings.

Who should come?

We recommend these events to security specialists and those who want to become one.

The material is serious business and only suited for those who have a deep interest and are willing to work and learn hard. It is lengthy, highly thoretical and requires quite a bit of prerequisites to fully understand and appreciate the topics.


The recommended duration of the source material is 5 Days. We plan to cover the topics in aprx. 20 meetings, 2 hours each (plus discussion time). Target is every first and third Tuesday each month. Final decision will be made at our "Zero Day" and this text will be updated.

It is highly recommended to cover the suggested reading and links between our meetings which will be roughly two times a month.


The series of meetings is based on the Creative Commons Licensed Training by Alfred Ouyang.

Creative Commons Material can be accessed here:


I recommend to start with References/CISSP_Glossary_v1.1.docx

Recommended Textbook:

CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 5th Edition, by Shon Harris (6th Edition is current)

  • McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; (February 8, 2010)
  • ISBN-10: 0071602178 - ISBN-13: 978-0071602174

Contributions and Discussions

CISSP CBK Meetings

# Date Topic and Host(s)
#02 2013-03-05 Tue 19:00 TBA
#01 2013-02-05 Tue 19:00 CISSP CBK: Definitions, Terms and Vocabulary
#00 2013-01-22 Tue 19:00 Revival of Security by Candlelight: CISSP CBK Zero Day
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)® Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)® Review. Based on a Creative Commons Training by Alfred Ouyang

Hosted by MiKa. Location: The Library. CISSP Portal