Second Life/Selfreplication
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// Global variables integer gintGeneration; // The Generation we are. Iterates with each replication. integer gintMaxGeneration = 5; // Maximum allowed Generations. Replication stops at this Generation-Count. vector gvecStandardNull = <9.5,0,0>; // Position to rez Object to. rotation grotStandardNull = <0,0,0,0.0>; // Rotation to rez Object to. rez_child() { // Check if we're allowed to create any more offspring //llSay(0, "ok, rez!"); if(gintGeneration < gintMaxGeneration) { // Satellite still over my land? if (llOverMyLand(llGetKey())) { // if yes, rez the inventory-item at the distance of standardnull in front of us. llRezObject("Metastasis Unit", (gvecStandardNull*llGetRot())+llGetPos(), ZERO_VECTOR, llGetRot(), gintGeneration+1); } } } default { // llRezObject throws event object_rez on the parent with the offspring as parameter object_rez(key child) { // Give copy of child to child llGiveInventory(child, llKey2Name(child)); } // When rezzed, the event on_rez is called on me as the child on_rez(integer pintGeneration) { // Save child (this one) ttl; gintGeneration = pintGeneration; // show the generation llSetText((string)gintGeneration,<1,1,1>,1.0); // llSensorRepeat( "", "", AGENT, range, TWO_PI, rate ); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key id) { if (msg == "replicate") { rez_child(); } } }
// boolean that keeps aggro/friendly mode. integer intState = FALSE; // the index for the integer intListenPointer = 0; // all needed rotations for a crystalline-form in an array list glRotations = [ // the six 2D-Plane rotations <0,0,0>, <0,0,60>, <0,0,120>, <0,0,180>, <0,0,240>, <0,0,300>, // the three upper rotations <35,315,45>, <35,45,135>, <305,0,270>, // the three lower rotations <35,315,225>, <35,45,315>, <305,0,90> ]; // the rotation-function. // rotates the entity to object to the next position in the global Rotations-Array object_rotateby() { rotation rotDelta; rotation new_rot; integer intZufall = (integer)llFrand(11.9); rotDelta = llEuler2Rot( llList2Vector(glRotations,intZufall) * DEG_TO_RAD ); new_rot = ZERO_ROTATION * rotDelta; llSetRot(new_rot); intListenPointer = intListenPointer + 1; if (intListenPointer >= 11) intListenPointer = 0; } object_init(integer pintOldPointer) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,FALSE); llListenRemove(pintOldPointer); intListenPointer = llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llSetTimerEvent(15); } default { state_entry() { object_init(intListenPointer); } on_rez(integer pintGeneration) { object_init(intListenPointer); if (pintGeneration>0) { // Children are aggro. intState = TRUE; } } sensor(integer total_number) // total_number is the number of avatars detected. { //llWhisper(0, (string)total_number + " debris-items detected - rotate 60 degrees" ); //object_rotateby(); } no_sensor() { if (intState) { //llSay(0, "No debris detected, replicate"); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, "replicate", ""); } } // Because of the script-delay we have to connect the grand-child rezzing // to the 'changed' event, which happens when someone (the parent) has // given me (as the child) something (a copy of myself) changed(integer change) { if(change == CHANGED_INVENTORY) { // rez_child(); } } timer() { if (intState) { object_rotateby(); llSensor("Metastasis Unit","", SCRIPTED, 12.5, PI_BY_TWO / 3); } } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ){ if (message == "metastasis off") { intState = FALSE; llSay(0, "Metastasis Unit offline: Service shutdown"); } else if (message == "metastasis on") { intState = TRUE; llSay(0, "Metastasis Unit online: Service up"); } else if (message == "metastasis fall") { intState = FALSE; llSay(0, "Metastasis Unit physics enabled"); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE); } else if (message == "metastasis delete") { intState = FALSE; llSay(0, "Metastasis Unit self suicide"); llDie(); } } // another quite funny feature. //collision_start( integer num_detected) { // // llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE); //} }