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Paraflows 06/RepRap

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
(Weitergeleitet von Paraflows/RepRap)

Rep Rap

Subject: Presenting RepRap at net culture festival?


my name is Philipp Tiefenbacher, and I'm a member of the Metalab, a recently founded hacklab in Vienna, Austria, providing infrastructure for all kinds of creative technical projects to roughly 80 members.

Since we receive funding from the city's net art/net culture endowment fund, we've been invited to participate in their annual convention, the "Paraflows festival for digital arts and cultures". From September 9 to 16, we will host and curate part of the exhibition. An open call for submissions to the festival has already been published through several art related channels. However, since many of our members prefer technologically, scientifically and socially exciting projects to abstract art that just happens to use the web, we've decided not to rely on random submissions, but specifically invite certain creators, artists, hackers, groups etc to take part.

If you're interested, we'd like to ask you to submit one or more of the current RepRap prototypes to Paraflows as detailed at http://listen.esel.at/pipermail/liste/2006-July/004430.html and mention the Metalab as preferred location. A rough estimate of transportation or travel costs etc would be helpful as well -- the budget is of course somewhat limited, but we'd see what we can do.

If you'd like to (additionally or alternatively) give a talk/hold a workshop on the subject, the appropriate call for submissions is at http://listen.esel.at/pipermail/liste/2006-July/004474.html

The deadline for both submissions is August 4.
If you have any further questions, we'd be happy to answer them as we can.


Was bisher geschah

I'm one of the organizers of a Netculture/Hacker Festival/Exhibition that will be held in Vienna, Austria from September 9, 2006 to September 16, 2006 at various different sites around the city. One of these sites will be the metalab: http://metalab.at (mostly german sorry).

Metalab is an non governmental/non profit organisation that is dedicated to provide our members with infrastructure, like space for projects, tools for building custom hardware like RepRap :), a library, kitchen and so on. At last, we are some kind of a hacker/geek living room.

The focus of the part of the Exhibition that will be held at Metalab is more on the technical/scientific side, frankly speaking: at least we would like to have such projects. This is why we are very interested in the RepRap project and would like to invite you to subscribe/apply for the exhibition mentioned above (for contact details see below). Expenses are likely to be covered if your application is accepted. While we can not guarantee anything, we would take good care of your application being processed positively. With the financial help from the Exhibition organisers, you or one of your team could present a RepRap prototype during the exhibition and maybe give a short talk about it if you like. Besides the weather in vienna is excellent and its a beautiful city :)

heartly greetings vom vienna, Philipp & the folks at metalab

FIXME: exhibition contact [[Kategorie:RepRap]